To import  Udp_api.h packages in opnet read out the steps we have shjared below, get some of the best assistance from our developers.   The Udp_api Header is an essential component within OPNET Modeler, designed to furnish application programming interfaces (APIs) that facilitate the implementation and management of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) functionalities. This header encompasses a diverse array of functions and structures that enable comprehensive UDP simulations, accommodating various UDP operations and behaviors. It provides capabilities for the creation, transmission, and reception of UDP datagrams, thereby supporting connectionless communication. Additionally, it includes APIs for the establishment and management of UDP sockets, which involve binding these sockets to designated ports. The header also offers functionalities for data transmission and reception via UDP sockets, catering to unicast, multicast, and broadcast communication. Furthermore, it delineates error codes and handling procedures specific to UDP operations, thereby enhancing robustness and debugging efficiency. It incorporates functions for the management of UDP port numbers, ensuring appropriate allocation and resolution of conflicts. Moreover, it provides tools for the handling of IP addresses in relation to UDP communication, including functions for conversion and validation. Lastly, it offers resources for the collection and analysis of UDP performance metrics, such as packet loss, latency, and jitter.


  1. Fresh installation of Windows Vista OS:


Fresh installation of Windows Vista OS

2.OPNET Modeler 14.5 Installation:


OPNET Modeler 14.5 Installation


  1. Locate to the OPNET Example folder:

We need to locate the OPNET Example Folder by passing the following path shown in File Explorer, you can see the Example file utilized here.


Locate to the Opnet Example folder

2.Open any Project file in the folder:

Next we need to Open the .prj (OPNET Project File) file by double-clicking or Right click the file and Click OPNET 14.5 in the OPNET folder.


Open any Project file in the folder

Here we can see the Topology from the Example File.


Open any Project file in the folder

3.Importing Udp_api.h:

Here, we imported the Udp_api.h header file code, which directly referenced the Opnet class and defined in the Highlighted Line, which used for UDP Port ID that Pre-defined in the header for Transmission Purpose. This code line, which is internally accessible Udp_api.h, is highlighted here. By clicking the nodes that are indicated by rounds as meant to be clicked instances, we will see the class file utilized in OPNET.



Importing Udp_api.h

Here we will show the header file by opening “C:\Program Files\OPNET\14.5.A\models\std\include\Udp_api.h” file to show the class or function imported from the Udp_api.h in the example code. We highlighted lines that eventually Included in the Udp_api.h, which is previously Highlighted code line in the script internally relies on using UDP Port ID that Pre-defined in the header for Transmission Purpose.


Importing Udp_api.h


Importing Udp_api.h

4.Executing the Example Program for Udp_api Header:

Then we need to run the Example program for Udp_api Header to view output of the program. By clicking the DES => Configure the Discrete Event Simulation Button.


Executing the Example Program for Udp_api Header

Here we need to click the Run button, it will begin with Configuration and Execute the Program.


Executing the Example Program for Udp_api Header

Here we shown the output of the Configuration and Execution of the example program.


Executing the Example Program for Udp_api Header

We need to click the Hovered Place to view Result Graph.


Executing the Example Program for Udp_api Header

Here we demonstrated the output Result Graphs of the example program by using Udp_api.h.


Executing the Example Program for Udp_api Header

In the OPNET Modeler 14.5 Simulation Example Program, the Udp_api.h Header file is successfully imported.