AI Based Projects Using Python

AI Based Projects Using Python where we have access to its extensive platform of models and libraries in which we have helped scholars for more than two decades project ideas and topics are listed here. Python is regarded as one of the highly prevalent languages in performing AI-based projects. Among multiple fields, some of the interesting AI-related projects with the application of Python are suggested by us:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python:
  • Chatbot: We should make use of libraries such as ChatterBot or Rasa to execute a chatbot program.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Considering the comments or posts, it is required to deploy spaCy or NLTK library to assess the sentiments.
  • Text Summarization: From extensive articles, we have to develop a brief outline with the aid of HuggingFace’s Transformers.
  1. Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling with Python:
  • House Price Predictor: On datasets such as the Boston Housing dataset, advanced regression methods need to be implemented by us.
  • Image Classifier: Including the pre-trained frameworks, we aim to categorize the images by means of PyTorch or TensorFlow.
  • Recommendation System: Deploy Python libraries like TensorFlow or Scikit-learn to execute a collaborative filtering or content-oriented recommendation framework.

Generally, Python is a popular computer programming language with effective libraries that assist us efficiently in developing technical or complicated projects. In conducting projects on AI, it can be considered significantly. Including Python, we offer a few instances of AI-based projects.

AI Based Thesis Using Python

AI Based Thesis Using Python that are innovative and intriguing are shared by us, we help you till your project competition with best results.

  1. Taking Engineering Automation to the Next Level with Artificial Intelligence
  2. Assessment of Scientific Learning Skills Based on Artificial Intelligence
  3. CSAI-4-CPS: A Cyber Security characterization model based on Artificial Intelligence For Cyber Physical Systems
  4. Artificial Intelligence Solution for Energy Management
  5. Web Accessibility Challenges for Disabled and Generation of Alt Text for Images in Websites using Artificial Intelligence
  6. State-of-the-Art Artificial Intelligence Based Cyber Defense Model
  7. Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Discovery Learning: An Educational Experience for Entrepreneurship Students Using ChatGPT
  8. Role of Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Recruitment Processes in Sourcing Talent
  9. Automatic Semantic Analysis Framework of Dickinson’s Portfolio based on Character Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
  10. Artificial Intelligence based advanced Signal Integrity prediction
  11. Computer aided Commercial case classifier using Artificial Intelligence algorithm
  12. Adoption Of Artificial Intelligence In Talent Acquisition: The Need For The E-Business Environmenting Artificial Intelligence algorithm
  13. Secondary Screening Detection optimization Method for Electronic Components Based on Artificial Intelligence
  14. Experimental Face Recognition System Based On Improved Artificial Intelligence Model
  15. Artificial Intelligence and Talent Acquisition-Role of HR leaders in Adoption
  16. Language In The System of Artificial Intelligence
  17. IFN Application in BFS of Artificial Intelligence
  18. New Generation Artificial Intelligence-Driven Intelligent Manufacturing (NGAIIM)
  19. Cooperative Driving System based on Artificial Intelligence Learning
  20. Artificial Intelligence Technics Applied to Analisys of Photovoltaic Energy Systems