Opnet IT GURU TUTORIAL EXAMPLES  ON Streaming video is one way to deliver video over the Internet. Though far from a perfect solution, streaming video technology is becoming more powerful all the time. Streaming video allows the user to view video over the Internet as it downloads, instead of waiting until the entire file is downloaded to the computer.

Factors affecting streaming media:

  • Development in streaming servers
  • Advances in compression algorithm for audio and video
  • Improvements in broadband networks and in cable modems etc


Video streaming features:

  • It can benefit from using broadcast and multicast approaches
  • It can deliver live content such as a football match, a concert or a political speech
  • Allows for streaming tracks to be included in otherwise non-streaming content.
  • Provides random access to long movies
  • It only uses the exact network bandwidth it really needs
  • It occupies no space on the user’s hard disk.