Category Archive: 'M.Tech Opnet Projects'

Fine-Grained Energy-Efficient Consolidation in SDN Networks and Devices

The constant evolution and expansion of the Internet and Internet-related technologies has exposed the limitations of the current networking infrastructures, which are represented by the unsustainable power consumption and low level of scalability. In fact, these infrastructures are still based on the typical, ossified architecture of the TCP/IP paradigm. In order to cope with the Future Internet […]

An open source research platform for embedded visible light networking

Despite the growing interest in visible light communication, a reference networking platform based on commercial off-the-shelf components is not available yet. An open source platform would lower the barriers to entry of VLC network research and help the VLC community gain momentum. We introduce OpenVLC, an open source VLC research platform based on software-defined implementation. […]

Overarching Control of Flexi Grid Optical Networks: Interworking of GMPLS and OpenFlow Domains

Optical transport networks provide transport, multiplexing, routing, management, supervision, and survivability of optical channels. Within a flexible dense wavelength division multiplexing grid, the optical spectrum can be allocated in multiples of a width granularity, depending on the client signal rate and modulation format. A control plane (CP) can be used for efficient and dynamic provisioning […]

Mobility-aware QoS assurance in software-defined radio access networks: An analytical study

Software-defined networking (SDN) has gained a tremendous attention in the recent years, both in academia and industry. This revolutionary networking paradigm is an attempt to bring the advances in computer science and software engineering into the information and communications technology (ICT) domain. The aim of these efforts is to pave the way for completely programmable […]

A design of 10 Gigabit Capable Passive Optical Network(XG-PON1) architecture based on Software Defined Network(SDN)

A SDN-based XG-PON1 Network Architecture is proposed. A XG-PON1 includes many management technologies that is ONU Management, DHCP Server Management, AAA Server Management, OLT Switch Control, PIU(PON Interface Unit) Control, and OMCI. We proposed a SDN-based XG-PON1 Architecture to manage these functions.

Social Networking Reduces Peak Power Consumption in Smart Grid

Minimizing the peak power consumption of electrical appliances under delay requirements is shown to be NP-hard. To address this, we propose a “family plan” approach that partitions users into groups and schedules users’ appliances to minimize the peak power consumption of each group. Our scheme leverages the social network topology and statistical energy usage patterns of users. To partition […]

Flow control enhancements in Content Centric Networking

In window-based flow control mechanism for Content Centric Networking (CCN), for one Interest (a content request packet), more than one Content Objects (content chunks) are expected to be received. TCP’s RTT estimation algorithm cannot be used directly for such scenarios because for some contents, there will be no Interest reference. In this paper, we extend TCP’s RTT estimation for […]

Scalable segment routing???a new paradigm for efficient service provider networking using carrier ethernet advances

Segment routing has recently been proposed in the IETF toward making IP/MPLS networks service oriented while simplifying network operations. Segment routing computes paths at the source node using node identifiers and adjacency identifiers conjoined together to create a source-routed path. We propose a scalable transport paradigm as an enabler toward implementing segment routing in provider […]

Cost Minimization for Rule Caching in Software Defined Networking

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging network paradigm that simplifies network management by decoupling the control plane and data plane, such that switches become simple data forwarding devices and network management is controlled by logically centralized servers. In SDN-enabled networks, network flow is managed by a set of associated rules that are maintained by switches […]

Scalable resilience for Software-Defined Networking using Loop-Free Alternates with loop detection

In this paper we propose a novel resilience scheme for OpenFlow-based Software-Defined Networking (SDN). To forward packets in line speed, OpenFlow switches store their flow tables in expensive, limited TCAM due to which the stored tables cannot be large.Most resilience mechanisms require additional entries thus the implementation in OpenFlow may quickly exceed the available TCAM.