Opnet Online Tutorial - Opnet Projects

Opnet Online Tutorial

Opnet Online Tutorial for Students:-

what is Opnet? What can u learn from Opnet Online Tutorial? Donwload Sample Source code for Opnet Online Tutorial? We Provide Output Videos and Screenshots executing various domain in Opnet Online Tutorial videos.Opnet is a high level discrete event simulator framework and it functioned at packet level. We initially build Opnet for the simulation of fixed networks. We offer PhD projects in Opnet for various network and application management software and hardware with some associated services. We support research scholars to develop Opnet which contain a huge library model with fixed hardware network and protocols. We implement communication network and distributed system in opnet simulation.


Learn Opnet Online tutorial about Structure of Opnet and its modelling Hierarchical structure:

Structure of Opnet: Opnet composed of high level user interface coded by C and C++ with lot of library functions.


 OPNET Modeling In Hierarchical Structure: We implement opnet model into three domains mainly on academic projects are:


  • Network Domain: We deploy network Domain in opnet as sub network, topology, coordinates and mobility. It is a high level description of objects. Mobility is given as mobility trajectory, mobility vector, and manipulation. It specifies overall description of system.
  • Node Domain: We represent node domain as single network node as routers, workstations, mobile devices. It may be fixed, mobile or satellite type. It specifies the internal structure of network node.
  • Process Domain: We integrate process domain as single modules and source code inside network nodes. It referred and modi8fied as finite state machine. It composed of various transitions and various conditions among modules.

Characteristics of OPNET:

We employ various characteristics of Opnet in our project are:

  • Statistics Specific Applications.
  • Interactive Analysis.
  • Object Orientation.
  • Graphical Specifications.
  • Animation.
  • Application Program Interface.
  • Hierarchical Models.
  • Develop Custom Model with Flexibility.
  • Specialization in Network and Systems.
  • Automatic Simulation Generation.

WSNs in OPNET: We implement Wireless Sensor Network in Opnet to access large information from any place at any time and environment. Properties such as battery powered sensor nodes, large scale deployments, low computation capability and limited radio resources are developed by WSN in Opnet.

Application of WSN in Opnet:

We employed WSN in more than 90+ projects and WSN applications are given as:

  • Military.
  • Industry.
  • Environmental Research.
  • Security.
  • Medical Treatments.