Opnet Tutorials
We guide you on Opnet Tutorials about various domain types and its characteristics. OPNET is quite expensive for commercial usage but there are also free licenses for educational purposes.
Characteristics of opnet:
- Simulator has a lot of potentially, but there exists typically a lack of the recent wireless system
- Opnet contains a huge library of accurate models of commercially available fixed network hardware and protocols
- Accurate radio transmission pipeline stage for the modeling of the physical layer
- Huge number of work considering new technologies must be done by oneself.
- Threshold for the usage is high for the developer, but low for the end user.
Domain types in opnet:
- Process domain
- Network domain
- External system domain
- Node domain
Procedure for node statistics and link statistics:
- point-to-point receiver > throughput (bits/sec)
- point-to-point transmitter > queue size (bits)
- point-to-point transmitter / throughput (bits/sec)
- point-to-point > utilization