Tag Archive: 'opnet projects'

Efficient scheduling of sporadic tasks for real-time wireless sensor networks

Industrial automation requires hard real-time delivery of data that can be of periodic or sporadic in nature. It is challenging to ensure hard real-time delivery of periodic and sporadic data to a multi-hop away destination in a bandwidth constrained environment, such as wireless sensor networks. In this regard, research has been done for joint scheduling […]

Efficient MAC protocols optimization for future high density WLANS

Recently, the High Efficiency WLAN or simply HEW study group was created within IEEE 802.11 working group. This study group considers the improvement of spectrum efficiency to enhance the system’s area throughput in high density scenarios. Subsequently, this led to the creation of a new task group called 802.11ax, which is expected to deliver the […]

Visualization of large wireless network behavior using random matrix theory

Recent works on the universality of Empirical Spectral Density (E.S.D) of Random Matrices have provided a framework to study the asymptotic behavior of random network data. In this paper, the behavior of a wireless campus network with low received base-station transmit power is investigated. Mobile users are organized into 10 clusters of 25 mobile users […]

Characterization of Wireless Mesh Network performance in an experimental test bed

Studies in Wireless Mesh Networks have often focused on the comparison of various mesh protocols, or the design of new mesh protocols in a simulation environment (such as NS2, OPNET etc.). However the results obtained in a simulation environment are sometimes not valid in a real site where the network is meant to be deployed. This paper […]

Cognitive Access Point to Handle Delay Sensitive Traffic in WLANs

Over the last few years, the widespread use of wireless local area networks (WLANs) continues to gain more and more impetus. Due to the increase in variety of multimedia applications such as voice, video and gaming traffic, it is paramount to develop a mechanism for the quality of service (QoS) to support different types of […]

Link adaptation strategy for healthcare application on IEEE 802.15.4 WPANs

The signaling of the healthcare applications needs the error performance and the multiple data rate for different target rates of various bio-signals. In this paper, we propose a link adaptation strategy on the multi-rate modulation set for IEEE 802.15.4 wireless personal area networks (WPANs). The protocol stack made by the network simulator OPNET is used to verify […]

Energy efficient contention window adaptation algorithm for IEEE 802.11 WLAN

This paper introduces a new contention window (CW) adaptation algorithm to reduce the collision level in an IEEE802.11 based network with the main objective of maximizing energy efficiency while maintaining required Quality of Service (QoS) performance. The main concept of the proposed algorithm is to dynamically adjust the contention window size according to the network […]

Ethernet-based avionic databus and time-space partition switch design

Avionic databuses fulfill a critical function in the connection and communication of aircraft components and functions such as flight-control, navigation, and monitoring. Ethernet-based avionic databuses have become the mainstream for large aircraft owning to their advantages of full-duplex communication with high bandwidth, low latency, low packet-loss, and low cost. As a new generation aviation network […]

A cluster based routing approach in LTE ad-hoc networks

In this work, a new routing algorithm which allows smart terminals to join the ad-hoc network at random times in order to carry out data transmission using Long Term Evolution (LTE) infra-structure has been developed and simulated by using OPNET Modeler. The routing scheme has been realized by clustering the terminals according to some predefined physical layer […]

Modelling delay propagation within a train communication network

Industrial Ethernet has been widely used in Modern HighSpeed Train Communication Networks (HSTCN). The reliability of HSTCN influences train safety. And time-oriented reliability is an important part of the HSTCN reliability. In the situation of node dependency, it is a difficult problem to analyze delay propagation for HSTCN. In order to solve the problem, we […]