Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is colossally essences on improving manufacturing and industrial procedures by means of the internet of things. Our Master Thesis Topics in Industrial Internet of Things offers enormous top demanding research ideas for scholars who specifically wish to start their research career in the IIoT field.

On this page, just to let you know more about IIoT upgrades, our experts shared some interesting facts and research ideas on IIoT. In general, IIoT comprises various sets of smart hardware like sensors, devices, and machines that are linked up together to assist physical business operations in an industrial environment. 

How Industrial Internet of Things Works?

In IoT/WSN, sensors are used to gather different types of data like temperature, pressure, humidity, noise level, water or liquid levels, etc. Meanwhile, it is available and interfaced with a microcontroller for further data transmission to a control room. Here, the data will be stored and analyzed by a person. If required, it enables some software to take some action/decision.

At the present time, Industry 4.0 is awaited to manage the restricted access of modern manufacturing through mobile communication technology and the internet of things. And, some future trends in Industrial automation are highlighted as follows:

  • Grid Computing 
  • Robotics Revolution
  • Virtualization
  • Increase of DC Power
  • Industrial Wireless

Consistently, our research teams are more passionate to produce top-notch research ideas through their smart work. With an aim to advances their technical skills, they habitually update their knowledge in current trends by referring to recent articles, magazines, research papers, etc. As a result, they are up-to-date in the modern IIoT field to guide you in all aspects. And below, we have spotlighted some current ongoing research from Master Thesis Topics in the Industrial Internet of Things.

Master Thesis Topics in Industrial Internet of Things

Top 3 Master Thesis Topics in Industrial Internet of Things

  • Systems, Designs & Algorithms Track
    • Embedded System Design 
    • Mixture of Criticality Industrial Systems 
    • Embedded Software Architectures 
    • Fault Tolerant in Trusted Industrial Systems 
  • Design Method & Tools Track 
    • Network Security of Industrial Systems Machine Learning
    • Industrial Systems Design Techniques
    • Formal Approaches for Industrial Systems
    • Verification and Validation for Industrial Systems
    • Industrial Software/Systems Testing Methodologies
  • Evolving Industrial Applications with Interdisciplinary Topics Track
    • Intelligent Industrial Systems 
    • Assured Autonomy for Safety-Critical CPS 
    • Machine Learning for Industrial Applications 
    • Automotive and Avionics Systems for Network Protocols and Security

Moreover, our system development team has years of practice in handling IoT supporting research tools and technologies. To be honest, they always think out of the box in designing appropriate algorithms and methods for accurate results. And, here we have listed a few tools essential for IIoT project development.

Simulation Tools for Industrial IoT

  • Matlab and Simulink
    • Developing IIoT system based on neural networks and low-cost hardware devices in spite of complex hydrodynamic models and web infrastructure
    • Offers economically possible tidal prediction for minor ports and bays
    • ThingSpeak is used to read wind and tide data
    • Utilization of neural network algorithms for tide surge prediction
    • Performs historical data collection and investigation 
    • Designing predictive algorithms
  • Control System Toolbox
    • Design of Dynamic Systems (Complex, Discretize Models)
    • Controller Tuning (PID and Kalman Filter)
    • Linear Analysis (Time, Frequency and Time-Frequency)
  • Robust Control Toolbox
    • Uncertain Statistical System Representation 
    • System and Controller Simplification using Order Reduction
    • Linear Matrix Inequalities Solvers analysis with design
  • IoTIFY
    • For function and performance Testing, IoTIFY offers a classy intelligent IoT platform based on cloud
    • Helps to simulate a large number of IoT devices in cloud-enabled IoT system
    • Permit to design real device model along with battery, sensors, energy, and other custom parameters
    • Dynamic model device communication and control simulation via Web/API where CoAP protocol assist communication
  • CupCarbon
    • IoT wireless sensor network simulate which supports IoT enabled environment like smart city
    • Well suited for 2D/3D design, visualization and radio propagation simulation, and interferences management 
    • Establish communication among a broad range with devices using wireless technologies in IIoT environ
    • Monitoring, Sensing and Controlling smart gadgets and machines using IoT protocols 
  • IoTSim
    • Perform the process based on the manual and experimental configurations
    • Requires more manual configurations in frequent experiment configuration 
    • As a result, performing analysis increases time and cost in realistic testbeds
    • Hence, achieving results is a very tedious process while the experiments cannot perform again
  • IBM Bluemix
    • Perform the process of connecting, manage and evaluating IIoT information in IoT infrastructure
    • Enhance the business productivity through reliable customer services
    • Produce more products by minimizing waste through the mixture of sensors and AI
    • For instance, the real-time information on temperature reaches to the level of IBM Cloud
  • NodeRED
    • Here, context is a special module which is used for the purpose of storing information among functions in nodes
    • When the function retains its state for data processing, context will be utilized 
    • In IIoT set-up, it is mandatory to calculate the average sensor data reading value
  • NS-3
    • Design network with one physical node which relies on a group of sensor interfaces
    • And, Sensor interface has the functionalities of sensing various physical quantities
    • Here, the collection of a physical node is alike to a cluster which forwards the sensed data to IoT hub (i.e., cluster hub)
    • Next this IoT hub is associated with smart traffic signals/vehicles which have dedicated link to the cloud repository 
    • Then, it executes the decision-making process based on the sensor data

In addition, we have a separate native writers team to support you in various writing such as proposal writing, literature review writing, paper writing, dissertation writing, and thesis writing. For instance, let’s talk about Thesis Writing in detail. Most importantly, thesis writing plays a key role in awarding and detailing your entire study to prove your research idea. Whereas, it is constructed through a set of organized chapters, and some of the key information that to be covered in thesis writing are given below,

What are the chapters in MS thesis writing? 

  • Introduction – Short overview of the contextual and significance of the study
  • Problem Statement – Exactly what the scholar wants to identify where format to be framed by the department
  • Intend of the Study – enlightenment of the problem that depicts what the scholar courage to achieve by doing the study
  • Theoretical framework, research questions, or objectives – Explicitly guides the flow of research where format to be framed by the department
  • Terms Definition – Interpretation of commonly known or unknown terminology used in the study for readers ease
  • Literature Review – Appropriate analysis or survey on related research to determine the subject matter and major components of comprehension
  • Research Design – Defines the approaches that involve data collection or organization. And, it may vary depending on the department which is given as follows 
    • Explanation of the design 
    • Principles to estimate the credibility of results (if related) 
  • Sampling – Portray the aspects of the cases on data collection and analysis (if related) 
    • Specify how access to the study population will be attained 
  • Variables – Describe features of the cases on data collection and analysis (if related) 
  • Data Collection Methods – Clarify how each variable will measure (if related)
  • Procedures for Data Analysis– Definition on interpretational, structural or reflective techniques usage (if related)`

Hence, we are glad to support you in all phases of your study as research, development, and manuscript writing. If you searching for the best service to begin your PhD / MS journey, then you can approach us for a complete package solution for Master Thesis Topics in the Industrial Internet of Things.