
Modeling and Analyzing Duty-Cycling, Pipelined-Scheduling MACs for Linear Sensor Networks

Linear sensor networks (LSNs) have recently attracted increasing attention due to the vast requirements on the monitoring and surveillance of a structure or area with a linear topology. However, there is little work on the network modeling and analysis based on a duty-cycling MAC protocol for LSNs. In this paper, we model a duty-cycling MAC […]

Evaluation of cognitive radio for mission-critical and time-critical WSAN in industrial environments under interference

The evaluation of Cognitive Radio (CR) for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSANs) in industrial wireless automation applications is presented in this contribution. Current wireless solutions do not ensure enough performance for hard real-time and reliability requirements, based on time-critical data traffic. These industrial applications are characterized by harsh environments, where the robustness of wireless […]

Performance Optimization of DCF-MAC Standard Using Enhanced RTS Threshold under Impact of IEEE 802.11n WLAN

Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) communication means gained widespread reception in recent years and widely used all over world due to its wireless fidelity feature with high data rates assets. With emerged multimedia application on wireless networks and the integration with other cellular networks, requires support for quality of service. In this paper, performance optimization […]

Improving system capacity based upon user-specific QoS for heterogeneous networks

This paper describes how user-specific QoS requirements may improve spectral utilization in heterogeneous networks. Throughput improvements of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) applications benefiting from the rate adaptation and MAC scheduling algorithms for video applications that incorporate user-specific QoS to improve system capacity are demonstrated. These improvements are achieved while user satisfaction for video applications, as […]

A new hybrid traffic generation model for Tactical Internet reliability test

Tactical Internet (TI) is the communication infrastructure of tactical level maneuver warfare forces; its reliability directly affects the military combat. Therefore, in the TI reliability test, how to generate the appropriate network traffic and get the most accurate evaluation results should be an important part of the TI reliability test research. This paper analyzes the […]

Wi-Fi-based hierarchical Wireless Networked Control Systems

This paper proposes a novel architecture for a hierarchical Wireless Networked Control System (WNCS). It consists of three cascaded workcells each containing 30 sensors, 30 actuators and one controller. The wireless communication protocol used is IEEE 802.11g with multicasting. The hierarchy of the system is such that the lowest level is that of the sensors […]

Platform for Multiagent Application Development Incorporating Accurate Communications Modeling

Multiagent systems are widely recognized as a method of choice for realization of distributed time-critical applications for the smart grid. However, no general solutions have been proposed for the difficult task of system development and validation, ready for deployment, which would fully account for the underlying communication network performance. We propose a novel platform designed […]

Energy efficient hybrid MAC protocol for large scale wireless sensor networks

In this study, a hybrid, energy efficient MAC (Medium Access Control) protocol has been developed for usage in dense WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) applications. In the designed hybrid MAC, favorable aspects of both CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) and TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) techniques are considered. Consequently, a MAC protocol which is more energy […]

A Predictive Resource Allocation Algorithm in the LTE Uplink for Event Based M2M Applications

Some M2M applications such as event monitoring involve a group of devices in a vicinity that act in a co-ordinated manner. An LTE network can exploit the correlated traffic characteristics of such devices by proactively assigning resources to devices based upon the activity of neighboring devices in the same group. This can reduce latency compared […]

Network coding based mechanism to provide reliable multimedia content distribution in harsh environments

Multimedia services distribution is very dependent on the quality of the communications link. Due to the nature of the related services, these are usually very sensitive to packet loss, delay and jitter, and hence service quality is immediately worsen in harsh scenarios. This paper proposes an OSI-Layer2 cooperative link layer scheme (known as GalaReS) that […]