Computer networking is the study of linking computing devices through any communication medium. In reference to modern society, it is addressed as the extended connection of IoT devices. Overall, the goal to create Computer networking final year project is to provide secure communication among connected devices in spite of its features and connection type.        

How does a computer network work?    

Now, we can see the operational process of the network. The special entities that are connected to the network are access points, routers, and switches since these entities act as the lifeline of computer networks where each one has a different role. The switches/routers are used to link the systems locally with other resources (like servers, printers) within the network.  Similarly, access points (AP) establish the wireless connection between devices and networks.

Further to improve the network efficiency, enhances the network operations in terms of low (packet loss, latency, and resource usage) and high (throughput and data rate). And some of the network operations are security, routing control, network monitoring, resource provisioning, and more. Below, we have given you a few fundamental operations of computer networking final year project.

Top 9 Computer Networking Final Year Project Topics for Engineering Students

What are the major functions of computer networks?

  • Network Structure Maintenance
    • It involves the sequence of processes to prevent network link breakdowns/failure during execution for good performance
  • Configuring and Controlling Network
    • It is the process of arranging/rearranging the network devices based on required system structure and device parameters
    • And, it also plays a major role in achieving high network performance by means of low delay, high security, etc..
  • Network Management
    • It completely maintains the network by continuous monitor
    • Further, it uses some mechanisms/software for regular hardware update and automated debugging in the network
  • Fault Control and Correction
    • It detects the affected systems and isolates them from the network
    • Then, attempt to correct the issue without disturbing other network operations
  • Quality of Service Control
    • It helps to accomplish the high network performance by reliable system configuration
    • Also, it is measured by some specified QoS metrics such as packet loss, throughput, delay, and more
  • Security and Privacy management
    • It stops unauthenticated users and intruders from network access by taking effective preventive measures. For instance: key distribution, IDS, and data recovery techniques

We hope that you are clear about what exactly computer networking means with their basic operations. Now, we can see the current open research challenges of computer networking final year projects. We have technical experts to create appropriate research solutions for the following challenges. Further, we also have demanding solutions for other related research issues.

Top 3 Research Ideas of Computer Networking Final Year Project

  • Unified Design for Various Service Demands
    • Need to develop the protocols which have the capability to concurrently manage multiple services
    • In exiting system, design a protocol to avail specific service or combine different methods to avail multiple services
    • Suits for huge-scale monitoring applications. For instance: CO2 monitoring in Smart cities
  • Proper Network Model
    • For efficient models, it is essential to authenticate prior to system design and development
    • Basically, the network comprises more models for several operations such as topology creation, spectrum sensing, node sharing, interference monitoring and etc.
    • Need of advanced models which are easy to develop  real-world applications without any complications
    • For instance: natural disaster monitoring 
  • Stabilizing Connectivity and Coverage
    • Required to control the trade-off between network lifetime and performance.
    • Though it is a challenging process, it is necessary to take care in designing protocols for network structure
    • Further, need to balance the connectivity and coverage and connectivity
    • Suits for harsh or remote locations. For instance: underwater monitoring and forest monitoring

This page is mainly focuses on new research areas and topics for Computer Networking Final Year Projects!!!

Computer Networking Research Areas  

In the era of the digital world, everything is in digital record maintenance. So, the organizations are moving towards the digital transformation from top-to-bottom business activities. Also, they are expecting the network to offer 5g and beyond the connectivity. Here, we have given you some of the cutting-edge technologies of computer networking final year project.

  • Real-time Modeling of Multi-Drones in UAV
  • Consumer Network based Cyber System Development
  • New Design of Edge Network System
  • Integration of Learning and AI Approaches in Networking
  • High Device Mobility Management
  • THz Ultra High Frequency based Wireless Data Transmission
  • 5G and beyond based Wireless Cellular Communication
  • IoT-Green Radio Communication for Energy Conservation
  • Augmented / Virtual Reality Applications (for low delay and high data-rate)

Next, we can see the different types of network architectures. Due to the technological advancements, the requirements of individual and business people are growing day-by-day in the following aspects. So, we have listed the architecture with their corresponding demands.

  • Intent-based Architecture
    • Work based on the SDN principles
    • Support automated operation with quick response system
    • Easy to examine the network performance and issues
  • SDN based Architecture
    • To meet the requirements of current era, network architecture is automatically control by software application
    • In specific, open-view of the whole network for controlling the network traffic 
    • It is wholly the software-based model which responds immediately to topology variations
  • Integrated Multi-domain Architecture
    • Based on the requirements of business, the organization design own network domain (datacenters, WANS, etc.).
    • Through the controller, domain interact with other domains and interchange parameters for needed business outcome
  • Controller-based Architecture
    • Controllers in the network are critical to expand and protect the networks
    • Automates the functionalities of networks through device configurations
    • Improve the network efficiency and security by non-stop device monitoring
    • Enable simplified functions and adapt different business needs  
  • Virtualized Architecture
    • Enable to segment the physical framework into various overlay networks
    • And, every overlay network has individual unique responsibilities to attain objectives, QoS, security and more

In addition, our research team has given you few recently collected research directions on computer networking. These areas gain the attraction of active scholars because of their future extended scope. Our technical experts are updated in below specified areas below to create the best Computer Networking Final Year Project.

Research Trends in Computer Networking Final Year Projects

  • End-to-End Network Security
    • Network Botnets Identification
    • Detection and Analysis of Malware
    • Identification of Network Exploitation
    • Discovery of Network Anomalies
  • Classification of Network Traffic
    • Flow-oriented
    • Port-oriented
    • Payload- oriented
  • Fault Supervising and Control
    • Fault Separation
    • Fault Rectification
    • Fault Identification
  • Estimation of Network Traffic

For your information, we have also given you the latest research ideas of computer networking for final year students. Beyond this, we have countless novel research notions in different areas. Further, we also support your own desired ideas too , you can choose interesting network security projects list from our tabulated guide.

Research Computer Networking Final Year Project

Final Year Project Topics on Computer Networking

  • Privacy Preserving Techniques for Smart Grid
  • Designing Security Model for Critical IoT Environment
  • Security Attacks in Distributed Network System
  • Developing of Improved Security Systems  
  • Insider Threats Detection and Prevention
  • Efficient Defensive Measure for Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack
  • Protection of Data in Wireless Communication
  • Improving Performance in Network Management and Virtualization

Next, from the development point of view, our developers have shared some commonly used network modeling approaches. Depends on the selected topic, the modeling techniques may vary. Our technical professionals will appropriately suggest to you the precise research network security project topics .

Network Modeling Techniques

  • Scientific and Numerical Techniques
    • Random Variables
    • Probability Theory
    • Stochastic Theory
    • Regression (analysis of time series)
  • Huge Data Analytics and Machine Learning (ML) Techniques
    • RNN
      • Support NTMA along with time-aware data
      • Practices chronological data
    • LSTM
      • Support both labeled and unlabeled data
      • Efficient but delay in input collection
    • AE
      • Capable to function the data which is not labeled
      • Generate output by modernizing the input data
      • Able to reduce dimension and extract features
    • CNN
      • Practices chronological data
      • Need large-scale input data for processing
    • MLP
      • Robust in failure
      • Non-linear analysis
      • Adaptive learning abilities
    • Generative models
      • Produce information that closely relate old one

Performance Analysis of Computer Networking

In computer networks, designing and analyzing the network model are the two major functions. Since it helps the developer to inspect the developed model through multiple criteria to know the actual performance of the real network, further, if necessary, the developer can change the parameters of the model for performance improvement. Especially, the wireless network model focuses on the following operations to develop any kind of real-time applications.

  • Monitoring network for analyzing network behavior
  • Improving network efficiency by modeling QoE and QoS
  • Measuring network performance based on metrics
  • Enhancing network optimization on resource distribution
  • Adapting run-time changes in network

Network Performance Evaluation Techniques

Basically, the network can be assessed in any of these forms of networks: simulated network prototype and real network

  • Models
    • Analytical and Simulation Model which depends on the queue based theory
  • Measurements
    • Assess the real networks efficiency through simulated models along with specific network structure

Now, we can see the parameters used to measure the network performance. One of the most important parameters of packet networking is QoS. Though it is preferable in many applications, it has some technical issues in a heterogeneous network.  In specifically, it is also the critical factor to determine in the high mobility networking area. Overall, it is used to analyze the whole network efficiency and access in growing bandwidth access.  Further, it is also critical to assess multiple services integration areas. However, the users are satisfied with different levels of QoS / QoE based on their application’s needs. Some of the other important metrics are given as follows, 

  • Delay
  • Network / Data Throughput
  • Jitter (Or Changes in Delay)
  • Packet Loss Rate (PLR)

On the whole, if you are looking for unique research ideas for your Computer Networking Final Year Project, then communicate with us. And, we are glad to inform you that our research ideas will help you to achieve more in your Ph.D. career.